Today we’re listening to Tracy Farley, as she explains how she went from just trying to get over her fear of flying and heights by taking a few piloting lessons, to now sitting in the right seat of a 737 flying for SouthWest.
Above is an image of the experimental aircraft Tracy and her first husband fixed up for her to train in.
Even though these pages from her log book don’t have any text on them, there is a fortune from a fortune cookie taped in the top corner that says, “Something spectacular is coming your way.” These pages fall between her hours working towards her commercial ratings, and the fortune was definitely right!
Tracy had several incredible flight experiences including her flight in a stearman in 1998, as seen above. She was also gifted an hour in a P-51 which she said was probably the best hour piloting an airplane that she has ever had. You can learn more about P-51 experience flights from Episode 20 of the LogBook (20 – P-51C Experience Flying).
This is tracy with her T.J. LUV mascot that she wore even before she was hired onto Southwest. She is very dedicated!

Tracy Farley
There’s Tracy with her beloved Southwest 737 model! And below is her and her husband’s twin Diamond. Those are incredible airplanes, Embry-Riddle has several of them as trainers and I think it would be so incredible to own one.