This time we hear from two women who will share a few stories about writing books about airparks in the US and how they were both challenged to fly every day for a full month.

Judie Betz
Above you can see Judie holding a copy of her book The Illustrated Guidebook to Residential Airparks, and although they aren’t being sold today, you may be able to find a copy in your local airpark’s library or community center. You can check out her reality business at:
Above are some pictures of Judie’s current Miss Piggy which is a pink RV12 that she uses to inspire young women to get into aviation through the young eagles program and with the pretty airbrushed flowers on the side of the plane.

Connie McConnell
Connie had brought her logbook when we interviewed her, and above you can see the first entry of what she called the Willie Ropp Challenge.
Above is a picture of Connie polishing her vintage Cessna airplane that she flew the thirty one days in a row in.
This is a newspaper article that Judie wrote for the local paper describing the flights that she and Connie had. Click on the picture to see it in a larger more legible form.
These two women are very special to all of us in the Central Florida area. Both of them work tirelessly to promote women pilots and to help out with any aviation activity. I really am not aware of any two pilots that enjoy flying any more than these two women. Both would rather fly than any other activity available. If truth were told….both fly every day, sometimes only in their minds.. they are both positive people who always have an eye in the sky.